PitaPata Dog tickers

PitaPata - Personal picturePitaPata Dog tickers
PitaPata - Personal picturePitaPata Dog tickers

January 21, 2011

Christmas Morning

Baboo wanted me to tell everyone he's sorry it's taken him so long to post, here it is almost a month after Christmas and he's just getting around to it.  I told him if I could I would have done it for him.
Cognac, if we rough house on the couch, and make alot of noise that will get them up and out here to open presents.
See Cognac, you help by grabbing a corner of the paper and pulling. 
Come on off the couch and help me tear up the wrapping paper that's the best.
Look what our cousing Lilly sent us, it's a pull toy for two.  That Cognac she still doesn't understand this playing part, I'm having to teach her all sorts of stuff. 
Come on Bubbles get her to grab that end so we can play tug.

We're Back

Cuervo, come quick they're back on the hill. 
Look at them all, they're staring at me. 
Boy this is sure a nice couch.  After running around in the yard checking out those deer it's time to relax.
I'm pretty happy here, wasn't any couch like this in LA, I'm glad to be a Colorado Dog now. 
Congac can have the couch as long as she stays away from my chair.