We're still in the cool store on this post, but I hear Baboo grumbling about trying to get the pictures in the right order on my blog, so he said "fudge" I'll just add another post, and people will just have to figure it out. I think he gets frustrated with this computer program sometimes.

Wow, I wonder what these guys are? Bubbles said something about chincilla's, they look pretty cool, but I can't get to them to play, kind of like my brother Schnaaps, he's always out of reach.

These guys are pretty cool too, they were up higher so Bubbles picked me up to have a bettter look. She told me they were ferrets. Must be all sorts of critters out there I haven't seen yet.

Now these are something bringing out the instincts in me. "Birds", you know I'm a retriever after all. Here birdie birdie, but they're behind that glass.
So I've seen chincillas, and ferrets and birds oh my, and got to sniff and see all sorts of things in this cool store. Bubbles and Baboo, said we'll probably spend lots of time here, since I'm just a growing puppy and will need stuff. Maybe that's why he went to bank first.