The morning we got up to go camping, the peak was covered in snow, since we were going to be on the west side at 10,000 feet, I was sure hoping for snow to play in. I was going to show Cognac what you can do in deep snow.
Unfortunately when we got there, alas no snow down in the camping area. I'm relaxing with Bubbles and Cognac is just looking for squirrels.
Those squirrels, just liked to stay out of site and chatter at her.
Even sitting she just kept watching for squirrels.
She finally laid down but was going to stay at the edge of camp, just in case a squirrel got close.
Cuervo, you sure you don't want to come over here and look for squirrels.
Are you kidding Cognac, I'll stay here on the blanket, let me know if you get one.
Ah, Baboo got the fire going, now I'll let Bubbles scratch my chest, and I'll sit by the fire and get warm.
Ever watchful.
Cuervo, are you asleep?
Now a slight yawn from Cognac.
In the camper, we get one side, and Bubbles and Baboo get the other. Cuervo you sure you want to go to sleep?
Finally two tired pups, a big day of hiking tomorrow.
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